Thursday, April 8, 2010

birthday wishlist

So my birthday is exactly 20 days away. Turning 24! This means I'll have precisely 1 year to get my life sorted out. AND my parents will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary! Crazy.
So anyway this is my birthday wishlist, full of things I would never need but still absolutely want. and are FULL of things I would very much like

Sky Umbrella by Tibor Kalman @ the MoMa store...certain to lift your spirits on a gloomy day
moma umbrella

'Big Love' spoons by Alessi. So adorable...I saw this post on Maegan's blog and fell in love!
heart spoon

Matryoshka nesting doll measuring cups from Fred Flare
russian measuring cups

Silicone tea cupcake molds...lovely!
tea cupcakes

Mariel wedges by Jeffrey Campbell...a decent knock of the Dolce & Gabbana suede wedges..but in pony hair which I like even better
mariel wedge


About Me

I'm Ainsleigh...I'm a 2nd year grad student who is becoming increasingly distracted by and invested in beauty and fashion. Hence, these garbled musings. (yeah! HENCE! house bunny anyone?)


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