Friday, April 30, 2010

thoughts on a Friday afternoon

cuz they're certainly not work or school-related!

I'm thinking how much I love Karen Elson, a result of this morning's FashionGoneRogue 'Morning Beauty'. Indeed!


Thinking about making this Picnic Sandwich from my Vegan Yum Yum cookbook

instead of a picnic I'll be making it for an imminent trip to 6 Flags! My best friend gave me a season pass(!) as part of my birthday present! And a Sam's Club case of 5-Hour Energy :) and this is why we're best friends

and I'm thinking how much fun the zoo will be tomorrow!! happy weekend!


About Me

I'm Ainsleigh...I'm a 2nd year grad student who is becoming increasingly distracted by and invested in beauty and fashion. Hence, these garbled musings. (yeah! HENCE! house bunny anyone?)


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