Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Chicago's pride parade was this past Sunday...my best friend and I went together just like last year, but this time we braved the street instead of an apartment party
If we look exhausted, sweaty, drunk or uncomfortable, it's because we WERE all those things!
The parade was amazing as usual, but this year had a little something extra special...
So proud of Chicago.

Lindsay and I removed ourselves from the crushing crowd after a couple hours and went strolling around Boystown. Very randomly, we dipped into a Benjamin Moore to look at paint swatches for my new apartment
Mind you, we were drunk and this was about 1 pm...our conversation with the Benjamin Moore manager went something like this
L: can we come in and look at paint swatches?
Manager: ?....sure c'mon in!
S: ....I have a sno cone. is that ok?
Manager: ......yep that's fine
(I had to throw that precious sno cone away because it was dripping all over the store and myself)
We settled on these swatches for the kitchen
They're quite different so I'll have to see what looks best in the actual room

Happy Tuesday!!


About Me

I'm Ainsleigh...I'm a 2nd year grad student who is becoming increasingly distracted by and invested in beauty and fashion. Hence, these garbled musings. (yeah! HENCE! house bunny anyone?)


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